Intune Proactive Remediation: BitLocker Key Escrow to Azure AD After MECM OSD Task Sequence

Recently had a customer requirement to encrypt Windows 10 devices using a MECM Task Sequence and then have the Recovery Keys escrowed into AAD once an Intune Drive Encryption policy was applied via Co-management workload shift (Endpoint Protection).

By default, Windows will escrow to where you tell it in the Task Sequence and not escrow into AAD. In my case the Task Sequence was storing the Recovery Key into on-prem Active Directory.

The Discovery script checks Event Viewer for an Event 845 including the text “was backed up successfully to your Azure AD” having been logged in the last 7 days (this can obviously be amended to suit individual requirements).

If non-compliant then the Remediation script forces the key to be escrowed using the ‘BackupToAAD-BitLockerKeyProtector’ PowerShell cmdlet.


    Script to check for BitLocker Key escrow into Azure AD
    PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File <ScriptName>.ps1
    VERSION     AUTHOR              CHANGE
    1.0         Jonathan Conway     Initial script creation

# Check for Event 845 in BitLocker API Management Event Log over last 7 days - if contains text "was backed up successfully to your Azure AD" then Detection is complete
try {
    $Result = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{LogName = "Microsoft-Windows-BitLocker/BitLocker Management"; StartTime = (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) } | Where-Object { ($_.Id -eq "845" -and $_.Message -match "was backed up successfully to your Azure AD") } | Format-Table -Property "Message"
    $ID = $Result | Measure-Object

    if ($ID.Count -ge 1) {
        Write-Output "BitLocker Recovery Key escrow to Azure AD succeeded = Compliant"
        exit 0

    # If Event is not detected then mark as 'Non Compliant' and exit with 1
    else {
        Write-Warning "BitLocker Escrow Event Missing = Non Compliant"
        exit 1

catch {
    Write-Warning "An error occurred = Non Compliant"
    exit 1


    Script to remediate BitLocker Key escrow into Azure AD
    PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File <ScriptName>.ps1
	VERSION     AUTHOR              CHANGE
    1.0         Jonathan Conway     Initial script creation

# Escrow BitLocker Recovery Key for OSDrive into Azure AD
$BitLockerVolume = Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint $env:SystemRoot
$RecoveryPasswordKeyProtector = $BitLockerVolume.KeyProtector | Where-Object { $_.KeyProtectorType -like "RecoveryPassword" }
BackupToAAD-BitLockerKeyProtector -MountPoint $BitLockerVolume.MountPoint -KeyProtectorId $RecoveryPasswordKeyProtector.KeyProtectorId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

/ JC

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